These wings were created by brave survivors of domestic violence who reside at Town Clock CDC as an artistic response to the question:
"What does it mean to spread your wings?"
Learn more about the artists' process and inspiration below,
and see what artwork they have for sale!
Title: "Soar High in the Blue Sky"
Artist: "Beatrice"
Like a bird that has forgotten to fly trying to reach the blue sky you stand still. Scared of failure. The world goes on around you and you feel like time is running out. Terrified of losing. You forget that in order to succeed you must take the risk.
Spread your wings and take the first step. Maybe you'll fall. But maybe...
You'll fly.
You'll fly and feel the rays of the sun as once again you touch the blue sky.

See the artist's inspiration and work-in-progress
"The patterns used in my wings were inspired from henna designs from my home culture where growing up I used to experiment with the designs with my family."
- "Beatrice"

Title: "Beautiful Life"
Artist: "Patti"
I chose to paint the butterfly because they are colorful like the Kente cloth in my Ghaniain culture. Kente cloth is 400 years old, and Kente comes from the word Kenten, which is Ashanti for “basket.” It is said that farmers saw spiders weaving webs and tried to copy the weaving technique with their arms and legs. Kente fabric has many different patterns and colors, all with special meanings. Each fabric depicts a different culture and ethnicity. Each color has a meaning. The Obaatanpa fabric pattern signifies a good mother.
I tried to use some of the patterns and colors in my butterfly, but I also made it my own, making decisions as I went.
Butterflies fly high and feel free.
See the artist's inspiration and work-in-progress